
Sunday, December 12, 2010

kAu dan aKu

salam...dh nak abis thn 2010...dn nak dtg thn bru..hem diam xdiam dh 4thn kiter kenal..mcm2 kiter dh lalui..cuma blm smpai masa tuk iter disatukan..sbb masih byk y kiter perlu pikirkan..kiter pun masih blm bersefahaman lagi..tpi sy nak awak th sesuatu y sy sentiasa sygkan awak..thn depan bulan 1st jun genap
 5thn perkenalan saya masa stabilkan diri sy baru blh kiter disatukan...

i don't have too much money
but i do have to much love to give u;
i don't have too much money
but i do have to much time to care about you:
i don't have too much money
but i do have to much planning when we are together:
i love you who you are
i love you when you text me
"nur,sy rindu awak"
s0metimes u will hurt me with y0ur attitude..
s0metimes u will hurt me when you keep silent 4 no reas0n..
maybe time will change everything but
it will never change 0ne thing;

i love you more than word
i love ALLAH more than you

it will be along journey..
 but if i were meant for y0u
i will be 0wn by y0u..........

jangan sakiti hati saya..
i was already satisfied with being hurt
so what i want is

Thursday, December 9, 2010

sHe's ,heR and us....alWays till lAst brEath

every0ne have a good do i..we always t0gether..since 1997 and on 1/1/2011 we will celebrate our 14th anniversary..ooooooooooooooooooo it s0 long..but it will be much happier if she's here..AL-FATIHAH  to our bestfren NUR FARAH AYU will be 6year without you..we love you..
hem miss her....always in our heart..

n0w,left only she' sunshine
heheh she grown up become a very beautiful pers0n..and i know 'her' will be s0 happy like me..ATIQAH ABDUL 0nly she i have..when i had problem with family,bf and my studied..before this she is a sl0w pers0n but now she like my mum..always act fast and like to 'bebel' when i in trouble...heheh
but i love and i miss she when i far away fr0m kluang..
she hate MAKE-UP before this but now she wear it..and WOW!!!
t0 eyka ~ no matter what was happen before and after this u and ayu  r always in my heart and my mind..just two request i want fr0m u..
1)please wake up me when u see me going far away fr0m w0rld and not obey t0 our religion
2)dn't ever leave me behind when i was falling...
HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.. i want u know that how much ily..

hem she and her is beatiful pers0n..but is i also????
love you..

AL-FATIHAH TO nur farah ayu suhati..we'll miss u
friend FOREVER

p/s~ hem try to improve my language n writing :-)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

my sWeet heaRt

this is my br0ther daugther but bcause we r toooo  close n i also love child,i say to my bro that her daugther have 2 mum...

rAiniNg in hEart

hem entah apa  terjadi sebenarnya...aku cuba utk bertahan..sebab aku xnk apa  y aku lakukan dan pengorbanan aku selama inin sia2..knpa aku harus dibiar sendirian...sahaba baik aku ada kata,FIKIRKAN MASA DEPAN..KALO RASA AWAK BOLEH BAHAGIA,TRUSKAN..hem eyka eyka..dapat ceramah moivasi free smlm..aku berusaha untuk menyelamatkan apa y termampu..tpi aku xkuat nk buat difikir2 blik,aku bahagia..mmg pelik cara  DIA mencintaiku,tpi itu y buat aku bahagia...cukup sekali aku kecewa dulu..aku xnk lagi..ya allah berilah aku petunjuk...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

duNia bAru

hem xth knpa hati ni teiba nk buat blog...mungkin kesunyian...maklumlah slalunyer dh blik u,ni dekat sebulan lebih duk kat umh jer..hem nk pergi jalan rasnya habis dah satu bandar kluang ni aku dah penat agaknya tu yang tercipta blog ni..hehehehe pape pun t malam aku sambung..belum puas explore lagi ni..daaaaa